工作吊板 boatswain‘s chair工作吊板 boatswain's chair
矮柱;护柱 bollard
承枕;横撑 bolster
插销;螺栓;门闩 bolt
真正按揭 bona fide mortgage
诚意投标 bona fide tender
真正交易 bona fide transaction
原籍村民 bona fide villager
无主物业 bona vacantia property
叠砌;黏合;砌合法 bond
黏合分隔材料;分隔料 bond breaker
黏合层;“打底层” bond coat
束缚层 bond course
黏合强度 bond strength
黏合应力 bond stress
骨粉 bone-meal
竣工奖金;完工奖金 bonus for completion
[sale and purchase of premises] 定金〔楼宇买卖〕 booking fee
吊杆 boom
增压泵房 booster pump room
增压抽水站 booster pumping station
增压抽水机;增压水泵 booster water pump
含硼水贮存箱 borated water storage tank
钻孔;内孔;内径 bore
螺旋钻孔桩;钻孔灌注桩 bored pile
钻挖的隧道 bored tunnel
钻孔;探土孔;挖孔 borehole
钻孔记录;挖孔记录 borehole log
钻孔测试 borehole test
硼酸 boric acid
钻探;挖探 boring
钻探机;镗 boring machine
采泥区;采料区;取土区 borrow area
透光窗;气窗 borrow light
瓶型气隔 bottle trap
经舱底卸置;舱底式卸置 bottom dump
底部埋入插销 bottom flush bolt
坑底隆起;底鼓;底部隆起 bottom heave
底层 bottom layer
底部标高 bottom level
底板 bottom plate