河谷砂矿 valley placer河谷砂矿 valley placer?
河谷水 valley water
河谷水 valley water?
谷 valley?
谷边坡 valleyside slope
谷边坡 valleyside slope?
评价 valuation?
贝壳;活门 valve
贝壳;活门 valve?
钒铅矿 vanadinite
钒铅矿 vanadinite?
钒铅锌矿 vanadite?
钒 vanadium
钒 vanadium?
绿铀矿 vandenbrandeite
绿铀矿 vandenbrandeite?
水铀铅矿 vandendriesscheite?
水钒矿 vanoxite
水钒矿 vanoxite?
钠镁矾 vanthoffite?
汽相生长 vapor phase growth
汽相生长 vapor phase growth?
水汽压 vapour pressure?
汽化 vapourization
汽化 vapourization?
变异性 variability
变异性 variability?
变温层 variable zone of subsurface temperature
变温层 variable zone of subsurface temperature?
离散 variance
检验 variance ratio test?f
离散 variance?
变异 variation
变异图解 variation diagram
变异图解 variation diagram?
变异 variation?
杂色的 variegated
杂色的 variegated?
变种 variety?
玄武球颗的 variolated
玄武球颗的 variolated?