海洋克拉通 thalassocraton?亲海元素 thalassophile elements
亲海元素 thalassophile elements?
造海运动 thalattogenetic movement
造海运动 thalattogenetic movement?
红钇矿 thalenite
红钇矿 thalenite?
铊 thallium
铊 thallium?
叶状体 thallus
叶状体 thallus?
最深谷底线 thalweg
最深谷底线 thalweg?
尸积群 thanatocoenose
尸积群 thanatocoenose?
尸积群 thanatocoenosis?
赞尼特阶 thanetian
赞尼特阶 thanetian?
杂钾盐 thanite
杂钾盐 thanite?
硅灰石膏 thaumasite
硅灰石膏 thaumasite?
外壁 theca
外壁 theca?
泰斯方程 theis equation
泰斯方程 theis equation?
无水芒硝 thenardite
无水芒硝 thenardite?
经纬仪 theodolite?
理论地热学 theoretical geothermics
理论地热学 theoretical geothermics?
收缩说 theory of contraction
收缩说 theory of contraction?
冰川性海面升降说 theory of glacial eustasy
冰川性海面升降说 theory of glacial eustasy?
地壳均衡说 theory of isostasy?
山麓剥蚀平原学说 theory of pediplanation
山麓剥蚀平原学说 theory of pediplanation?
多旋回说 theory of polycycle
多旋回说 theory of polycycle?
热对鳞 theory of thermal convection
热对鳞 theory of thermal convection?