胫骨 shinbone胫骨 shinbone?
扁砾石 shingle
叠瓦构造 shingle structure?
扁砾石 shingle?
页岩 shiver?
浅滩 shoal?
冲击冲突 shock
冲讳质酌 shock metamorphism
冲讳质酌 shock metamorphism?
冲花 shock wave
冲花 shock wave?
冲击冲突 shock?
鞋带沙堆 shoestring sandstone
鞋带沙堆 shoestring sandstone?
放炮 shooting
放炮 shooting?
岸 shore?
上升滨线 shoreline of emergence
上升滨线 shoreline of emergence?
下沉滨线 shoreline of submergence
下沉滨线 shoreline of submergence?
海岸线 shoreline?
短焰煤 short flame coal
短焰煤 short flame coal?
短程序 short range order
短程序 short range order?
碳酸钠钙石 shortite
碳酸钠钙石 shortite?
正边粗玄岩 shoshonite
正边粗玄岩 shoshonite?
钻粒钻井 shot drilling
钻粒钻井 shot drilling?
散粒效应 shot effect
散粒效应 shot effect?
散粒效应 shot noise?
爆炸点 shot point
爆炸点 shot point?
爆破井 shothole
爆破井 shothole?
收缩限度 shrinkage limit
收缩限度 shrinkage limit?