测量船 survey vessel测量学 surveying
测绘学 surveying and mapping
中华人民共和国测绘法 Surveying and Mapping Law of the People‘s Republic of
中华人民共和国测绘法 Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of
测量控制网 surveying control network
厂址测量 surveying for site selection
扫海测量 sweep
扫海具 sweeper
定深扫海 sweeping at definite depth
扫海深度 sweeping depth
扫海测深仪 sweeping sounder
扫海趟 sweeping trains
扫海区 swept area
像片旋角 swing angle
符号化 symbolization
海图图式 symbols and abbreviations on chart
管道综合图 synthesis chart of pipelines
合成孔径雷达 synthetic aperture radar
合成地图 synthetic map
采剥工程综合平面图 synthetic plan of striping and mining
系统集成 system integration
系统误差 systematic error
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