历元平极 mean pole of the epoch平均曲率半径 mean radius of curvature
平均海[水]面 mean sea level
点位中误差 mean square error of a point
测角中误差 mean square error of angle observation
方位角中误差 mean square error of azimuth
坐标中误差 mean square error of coordinate
高程中误差 mean square error of height
边长中误差 mean square error of side length
导线曲折系数 meandering coefficient of traverse
平时钟 mean-time clock
测杆 measuring bar
机械投影 mechanical projection
中程定位系统 medium-range positioning system
心象地图 mental map
墨卡托海图 Mercator chart
墨卡托投影 Mercator projection
子午圈 meridian
子午面 meridian plane
渐长纬度 meridional part
金属弹簧重力仪 metallic spring gravimeter
气象代表误差 meteorological representation error
北极星任意时角法 method by hour angle of Polaris
方向观测法 method by series
全组合测角法 method in all combinations
偏角法 method of deflection angle
方向观测法 method of direction observation
等权代替法 method of equalweight substitution
激光准直法 method of laser alignment
引张线法 method of tension wire alignment
恒星中天测时法 method of time determination by star transit
津格尔[星对]测时法,*东西星等测时法 method of time determination by Zinger star-pair
量测摄影机 metric camera
缩微摄影 microcopying
测微密度计 microdensitometer
缩微地图 microfilm map
微重力测量 microgravimetry
测微器 micrometer
测微目镜 micrometer eyepiece
缩微摄影 microphotography
微波测距仪 microwave distance measuring instrument
微波图像 microwave imagery