彩色变换 color transformation色环 color wheel
联合平差 combined adjustment
水位遥报仪 communication device of water level
光碟,*光盘 compact disc
比较地图学 comparative cartography
联测比对 comparison survey
邻图拼接比对 comparison with adjacent chart
罗盘仪 compass
罗经[校正]标 compass adjustment beacon
方位圈 compass rose
罗盘仪测量 compass survey
罗盘经纬仪 compass theodolite
补偿器补偿误差 compensating error of compensator
波浪补偿 compensation of undulation
补偿器 compensator
自动安平水准仪 compensator level
编绘 compilation
编绘原图 compiled original
综合地图集 comprehensive atlas
综合地图 comprehensive map
计算机制图综合 computer cartographic generalization
计算机兼容磁带 computer compatible tape
计算机视觉 computer vision
机助地图制图 computer-aided cartography
机助测图 computer-aided mapping
机助地图制图 computer-assisted cartography
机助分类 computer-assisted classification
机助测图 computer-assisted plotting
条件平差 condition adjustment
附参数条件平差 condition adjustment with parameters
条件方程 condition equation
置信度 Confidence
等角条件,*正形投影 conformal projection
等角条件, conformal projection
圆锥投影 conic projection
附合导线 connecting traverse
定向连接点 connection point
定向连接点 connection point for orientation
联系测量 connection survey
采区联系测量 connection survey in mining panel
联系三角形法 connection triangle method