胃原位癌 Carcinoma in situ stomach气管原位癌 Carcinoma in situ trachea
原位癌 NOS Carcinoma in situ unspecified
其他特指丘疹鳞屑性疾患 Cardiac arrest unspecified
条纹状苔癣 Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation
大疱型多形红斑 Cardiac arrhythmia unspecified
心脏插管的异常反应 Cardiac catheterization
妊娠期间麻醉的心脏并发症 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
产褥期中麻醉的心脏并发症 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
产程和分娩期间由麻醉引起的心脏并发症 Cardiac comps of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
心脏杂音 Cardiac murmur unspecified
心脏病康复 Cardiac rehabilitation
中毒性红斑 Cardiac septal defect acquired
强心剂类药物引起的有害效应 Cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action
心源性休克 Cardiogenic shock
分类于他处的其他疾病引起的红斑 Cardiomegaly
全身脓疱型牛皮癣 Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents
滴状银屑病 Cardiomyopathy in infectious & parasitic diseases CE
牛皮癣性关节炎[银屑病性关节炎] Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases
其他牛皮癣 Cardiomyopathy in nutritional diseases
牛皮癣,未特指 Cardiomyopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
产褥期心肌病 Cardiomyopathy in the puerperium
掌跖脓疱病 Cardiomyopathy unspecified
急性风湿热引起的边缘性红斑 Cardiovascular disease unspecified
起源于围生期的心血管疾患 NOS Cardiovascular disorder origin in the perinatal period unsp
化脓性关节炎,未特指 Cardiovascular disorder other infectious and parasitic dis
化脓性关节炎,未特指 Cardiovascular syphilis
心血管梅毒 Cardiovascular syphilis
产后即刻医疗和检查 Care and examination immediately after delivery
授乳母亲的医疗照顾和检查授乳的指导 Care and examination of lactating mother
使用康复操作的医疗 Care involving use of other rehabilitation procedures
使用康复操作的医疗 NOS Care involving use of rehabilitation procedure unspecified
臂结缔组织良性肿瘤 Caries limited to enamel
肘结缔组织良性肿瘤 Caries of cementum
上肢结缔组织良性肿瘤 Caries of dentine
多发性和双侧入脑前动脉综合征 Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric)
正中神经损害 Carpal tunnel syndrome
白喉带菌者 Carrier of diphtheria
人T -亲淋巴Ⅰ型病毒[HTLV-1]感染的病原携带者 Carrier of human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 [HTLV-1] infect
传染性性病携带者 Carrier of infections with a predom sexual mode of transmis
未特指的传染病病原携带者 Carrier of infectious disease unspecified
其他传染病病原携带者 Carrier of other infectious diseases