出入境程序 the immigration procedures
油价波动的影响 the impact of fluctuating oil prices
市场对维兰托辞职事件反应迅速。 The impact of the general‘s dismissal on markets was swift.
相撞后,旅游巴滚下岷江附近的山崖。 The impact sent
实行最低工资制 the implementation of a minimum wage
培训政治人才的重要性 the importance of grooming political talent
保护知识产权的重要性 the importance of protecting intellectual property
加价能为公司每年带来六亿元收益。 The increase would generate $600 million a year.
渣打将在星期二向新存户征收新收费,旧存户则会到四月一日才开始被征收新收费。 The increased fee will take effect from Tuesday for new customers and April 1 for existing customers.
股市能上万五点 the index could touch 15000
西方的工业革命 the industrial revolution in the west
行业再有起色。 The industry picked up again.
油价波动的影响 the impact of fluctuating oil prices
市场对维兰托辞职事件反应迅速。 The impact of the general‘s dismissal on markets was swift.
相撞后,旅游巴滚下岷江附近的山崖。 The impact sent
实行最低工资制 the implementation of a minimum wage
培训政治人才的重要性 the importance of grooming political talent
保护知识产权的重要性 the importance of protecting intellectual property
加价能为公司每年带来六亿元收益。 The increase would generate $600 million a year.
渣打将在星期二向新存户征收新收费,旧存户则会到四月一日才开始被征收新收费。 The increased fee will take effect from Tuesday for new customers and April 1 for existing customers.
股市能上万五点 the index could touch 15000
西方的工业革命 the industrial revolution in the west
行业再有起色。 The industry picked up again.
行业正衰退 the industry was flagging
通胀压力 the inflationary pressures
民主派的初步反应也是正面的。 The initial response from the democratic camp has also been positive.
伤者由飞机转运至波哥大。 The injured were being
税务局昨日宣布所有捐款可在香港作扣税用。 The Inland Revenue Department yesterday declared that all contributors to the appeal will be exempt from paying tax in Hong Kong on their donations.
投保人、受保人 the insured/the covered person
储蓄户口的利息上限 the interest rate caps on savings accounts
加息周期 the interest-rate rise cycle
国际社会 the international community
国际刑事法庭 The International Criminal Court
调查进展缓慢。 The investigation is still ticking over.
北京的无形之手 the invisible hand of Beijing
爱我华工作室 the Iowa Writers‘ Workshop
是次公开招股是本年全球最大型的招股活动,将于周四截止申请。 The IPO, the biggest in the world this year, opens today and closes at midday on Thursday.
爱尔兰共和军没有再发动炸弹袭击,但他们尚未解除武装,亦未放弃使用暴力。 The IRA has stopped the bombings but has not laid down its arms or dispensed with its violent ways.
伊拉克大选 the Iraqi elections
伊拉克临时政府 the Iraqi interim government
台湾严重分化,双方互不信任。 The island is deeply divided and there is much mistrust on each side.
日本汽车业 the Japanese car industry
日本经济很快会被外来事件击沉。 The Japanese economy could soon be torpedoed by external events.
耶路撒冷邮报 The Jerusalem Post
珠宝钟表展 the Jewellery and Watch Fair
(台湾)大学联考 the joint-college-entrance-exam
司法制度 the judicial system
七一游行 the July 1 protest
第一诉讼法院的陪审团商议不足四小时后,以六对一裁定五十二岁的黎佩香罪名成立。 The jury in the Court of First Instance deliberated for less than four hours before reaching a six-one verdict to convict Lai Pui-heung, 52.
九广铁路再度高估新路线的乘客数字。 The KCRC has again overestimated the number of passengers on a new train line.
九铁希望翻新铁路总站。 The KCRC wants the rail terminal to have a facelift.
九铁昨日击败地铁,赢得总值二百六十亿元的合约,兴建沙田至中环线。 The KCRC yesterday beat rival MTRC to the $26 billion contract to build and run the new rail link between Sha Tin and Central.
关键州俄亥俄州 the key state of Ohio