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   怀孕和profanity 是今年好作为莱坞奥斯卡盛会开胃餐,独立精神奖的一大主题。 确凿无疑,安吉丽娜·朱莉和布拉德·皮特将一起参加。同时还有挺着大肚子的凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett), 另外,少女怀孕喜剧《朱诺》获得(最佳影片)艾莲·佩奇的最家女主角和达波罗·科迪(Diablo Cody)的最佳处女剧本。
"祝贺独立怪人们," 主持人雷恩·威尔逊(Rainn Wilson)一句话开始了宴会。 "首先由第一个motherf-----s 来颁发第一项motherf-----g 奖。" 在顺序随意的独立精神奖颁奖典礼上, 名人们穿着牛仔裤, 吃着爆米花,踏着蓝地毯 (真的, 蓝的), duck into 沙滩上的porta-potties , 而且通常在夜幕降临时就匆匆收场,结束他们的小制作宴会。但是今年, 作为缺少宴会的好莱坞在加州圣塔摩尼卡(Santa Monica)海滩上在漏雨的帐篷下举行,独立电影的年度欢乐聚会似乎特别的精神的。当古怪的独立电影如《朱诺》和《潜水钟与蝴蝶》入围奥斯卡提名,独立精神奖不用完成她通常仅仅是赞美认可度较低的独立制作片的角色了,而是成为一个在三个月编剧罢工—强迫的严肃后做回真实的自己的地方。 曾经担心艳舞女郎和博客作者科蒂(Cody)可能失去战斗力的人们在她获得这么多正面关注的情况下可以松口气了。科蒂握住她的奖杯,在她的获奖发言中感谢佩吉"把他带到了motherf----r领奖台"。佩吉在发言中略带羞涩地感谢科蒂“塑造了一个人们前所未见的少女角色”。
在多数独立精神奖并不广为人知的情况下, 《朱诺》是一个商业奇迹, 美国国内票房达到 $130 百万。威尔逊(Wilson), 在影片中饰演一个便利店的职员,他指出《朱诺》成功地避免了今天的其它获奖电影的暗淡命运。
除了X-级的语言,你不会听到更多关于奖项的戏谑。显然, 好莱坞今晚的荣誉宝座上贾维尔-巴尔顿(Javier Bardem)备受男星的关照。威尔逊(Wilson), 潜水钟与蝴蝶的导演朱利安·施纳贝尔(Julian Schnabel)和霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)都来和他打趣。霍夫曼(Hoffman)甚至宣称要和巴尔顿(Bardem)生个孩子—菲利普·西摩尔·霍夫曼。同睡一张床, 正如这个人品不错的西班牙男演员在《老无所依》中所说,将是一个提高他英语的好办法。
正如他们的习惯, 独立精神奖比奥斯卡多元化,奥斯卡今年只有一个黑人演员的提名(Ruby Dee,《美国黑帮》(American Gangster))。独立奖的最佳男配角授予了三个美国黑人。(唐·齐德勒Chiwetel Ejiofor, 《与我交谈》 Talk To Me; 马克思·卡尔·弗兰克林(Marcus Carl Franklin), 《我不在那儿》(I'm Not There; 和肯尼·霍里戴(Kene Holliday),《伟大之声》( Great World of Sound), 一个意大利人 (伊尔法尼·汗(Irfan Khan), 《同名同姓》 (The Namesake) 和一个被低估的高加索人喜剧演员在一个戏剧角色 (史蒂夫·赞(Steve Zahn),《重见天日》 (Rescue Dawn). Eljiofor won.
其它的获奖者包括《野蛮人》( The Savages), 塔玛拉·詹金斯(Tamara Jenkins)的姐妹戏剧,菲利普·西摩尔·霍夫曼(Philip Seymour Hoffman)荣获最佳男主角,詹金斯荣获最佳剧本奖。"这个大厅很多人不愿意出资给这部电影," 詹金斯指出, 有点幸灾乐祸的样子。潜水钟与蝴蝶同样获得了名声, 因朱利安·施纳贝尔捧走最佳导演奖和他的摄影师,努兹卡明斯基(Janusz Kaminski)同样是赢家。卡明斯基(Kaminski), 习惯于tonier parties 作为史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)的摄影师, 希望能摆脱这群小制作的人。 "我所有拿到的报酬是 ?$3,000 一周," 卡明斯基说道。"我不能那样做"

这天的欢闹中的唯一一个停顿是鲍勃·迪伦的传记电影《我不在那儿》(I'm Not There)的获奖者,凯特·布兰切特(Blanchett) , 她与最近过世的希斯·莱杰(Heath Ledger)共同出演。凯特·布兰切特(Blanchett), 获得最佳女配角奖, 怀念地说莱杰是“最美丽的独立精神”中的一个。


Pregnancy and profanity were the big themes this year at Hollywood's pre-Oscar apertif, the Independent Spirit Awards. An undeniably expecting Angelina Jolie attended with Brad Pitt, as did an even more teeming with child Cate Blanchett, while pregnant-teen comedy Juno took home best feature film, best actress for star Ellen Page and best first screenplay for Diablo Cody.
"Greetings indie weirdos," host Rainn Wilson said to open the show. "Here come the first motherf-----s to present the first motherf-----g award." At the chronically casual Spirit Awards, celebs wear jeans, snack on popcorn on the blue (yes, blue) carpet, duck into porta-potties parked on the sand, and usually wrap up all their low-budget revelry by dark. But this year, as a party-starved Hollywood convened under a leaky tent on the beach in Santa Monica, Calif., the annual frolic over independent film seemed especially, well, spirited. With quirky low-budget movies like Juno and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly well represented in the Oscar nominations, the Spirit Awards didn't need to fulfill its usual role of lauding under-acknowledged indies. Instead it became a place to let your hair down after three months of writers' strike—imposed solemnity.
Anyone worried that onetime stripper and blogger Cody is losing her edge with all this positive attention can relax. Cody gripped her trophy during her acceptance speech and thanked Page for "introducing me to this motherf----r." Page returned the love in her speech, if a bit more demurely, saying that Cody " created a teenage female lead I feel like we've never seen before." While most Spirit Award winners are usually little known, Juno is a commercial hit, approaching $130 million at the domestic box office. Wilson, who plays a convenience store clerk in the film, noted that Juno had managed to avoid the obscure fate of "every single other movie we're honoring today."
X-rated language aside, there was a lot more banter you won't be hearing at the Academy Awards. Apparently, Hollywood has a big man-crush on the night's honorary chair, Javier Bardem. Wilson, Diving Bell director Julian Schnabel and Dustin Hoffman all copped to it. Hoffman even claimed to have created a love child with Bardem — Philip Seymour Hoffman. Sharing a bed, the good-natured Spanish actor from No Country For Old Men remarked, would be a good way to work on his English.

Just Trans!
As they usually do, the Spirits offered more diversity than the Oscars, which has only one black acting nominee this year (Ruby Dee, for American Gangster). The Spirit Awards' Best Supporting Male category had three African Americans (Chiwetel Ejiofor, for Talk To Me; Marcus Carl Franklin, for I'm Not There; and Kene Holliday, for Great World of Sound), one Indian (Irfan Khan, for The Namesake) and one under-appreciated Caucasian comic in a dramatic role (Steve Zahn, in Rescue Dawn). Eljiofor won.
Other winners included The Savages, Tamara Jenkins' sibling drama, with Philip Seymour Hoffman taking best actor and Jenkins best screenplay. "A lot of people in this room didn't want to finance this movie," Jenkins noted, enjoying a bit of schadenfreude. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly also got kudos, with Schnabel taking the director award and his cinematographer, Janusz Kaminski, also winning. Kaminski, accustomed to tonier parties as Steven Spielberg's cinematographer, sought to wave off the low-budget crowd. "All of the offers I'm getting to work for $3,000 a week," Kaminski said. "I can't do that."

The only breaks in the day's jollity were the wins for Bob Dylan biopic I'm Not There, which co-starred the recently deceased Heath Ledger. Blanchett, who took home best supporting actress honors, remembered Ledger as one of the most "beautiful independent spirits of all."


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